
Lighting of Beacons

8th May 21:30


Local engineering firms (so far GE Caledonian) have volunteered the service of apprentices to build up to 20 Beacons for installation at prominent locations in the major communities in South Ayrshire.  The Beacon design will be based on the one proposed by the wider UK organisers of VE Day 80  Brazier Beacon Design.  Some communities intend to re-use the ones they had commissioned for the Y2K celebrations.


Currently, the proposed locations for Beacons are:

Heads of Ayr


It is anticipated that the beacons will be installed 1 to 2 weeks prior to VE Day but this could be a longer period.   The design of the Beacon requires installation of a wooden post 305mm by 305mm in section and 6200mm in height.   Of this at least 1800mm should be below ground and potentially concreted in place.

Removal or Re-use – The proposal of the VE Day 80 UK Organising Committee is that the Beacons could become a centre piece for other historic events (e.g. Remembrance Sunday) and be left in place as a permanent feature.    This requires further discussion with SAC and local communities.

Lighting and Duration

The beacons are to be lit at 21:30 on Thursday 8th of May 2025.  It is assumed that prominent members of the local communities – particularly from youth groups or those supporting the community in building for the future.    The Beacons will burn wood and will be alight only for the time it takes for one load of fuel to burn out likely to be a small number of hours.   

Safety and Security

–Assume a fire warden of some sort may be required dependent on location and proximity to any other properties or assets.    Potential to ask local fire service to assist in lighting and monitoring the beacons given they are 15 feet high!

own lists and timings